Sunday, June 20, 2010

Today I arrived in LA again after a lovely day of traveling (because two flights of 11hrs each and a 3 hr layover in Heathrow is so much fun).

Its warm and nothing like the Joburg weather I left behind.

I decided to take a jog after unpacking, I am now living in the studio we used to record some of the Invictus soundtrack in, lets only comment on how comfortable the couch is after a nights sleep.

I ran like a crazy person up the hills in Bel Air and noticed no other joggers, this posed a problem because I have no idea which side of the road to jog on and no one to grab tips from.

I think people in LA only jog along the beach (I don't have a dog so I don't know if I’m allowed there).

Tomorrow we start gig hunting and regrouping thoughts for recording.

Time to hit the hay.....

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! Just be positive and think about all the great things in your life! The couch, nice! So that is such a good place to do some writing and reading! We all are missing you already! Lekker slaap! ;)
